
While the first mayoral election was held this weekend, the violence in Pudding Lane continued unabated. Once again, Windermerian harbour workers and immigrant newfriends clashed, causing chaos and havoc on the streets for hours. Law and order was only restored after a coastguard dog unit mobilised and separated the two camps.

After both Gobblin, the Duke of Windermere, announced a cut in public funding for the local shipbuilders’ guild and the coastguard cancelled a long-term contract for the procurement of dozens of new cannon ships, the situation in lower Windermere had been escalating for weeks.

Many blame the large numbers of newfriends who would house in the Bedford Commons for cheaper costs and provide low-cost labour. They would help undermine the position of the craft guilds and make the cost of building new ships unattractive.

Although Windermere, as a duchy, lies within the operational area of the local ducal coastguard forces, troops from the town garrison have been repeatedly requested to help quell the protests. Further escalations are expected in the coming days.