Premier Minister Cissonius in his cabinet’s offices. /CHRISTINA ONNIUS (HRM GOVERNMENT)
After the cabinet under Prime Minister Cissonius (Pavia First) launched tax and immigration reforms at the beginning of the week, Cissonius has now cancelled the governing coalition with Renew. Several cabinet members were denied access to the government chambers in the town hall without warning.
At an impromptu press conference yesterday evening, Cissonius gave a speech about the great achievements his Pavia First government had made so far. Among these he cited the unification of Lyria, the reduction of dual citizenship costs and the revitalisation of the high street. He then announced the immediate cancellation of the Kilmoran House Agreement. While the latter painted the separation of both parties from the coalition as amicable and positive, the Renew Party’s imminent response spoke other volumes.
In a press statement shortly afterwards, Renew party leader ArtificalDriver expressed a very different view. He described the end of the agreement as ‘an act of political cowardice’ and accused Pavia First of ‘selling out future generations’. Renew was ‘shocked’ that the prime minister would jeopardise the country’s stability for the possible new election on Saturday. He had, Renew continued, started a ‘night of government culling’. They again criticised the new taxes on the Monument Group and the ‘free-for-all’ dual citizenship and promised to be a ‘sensitive alternative’ for the noble electorate at the next election.
His Grace, BritishWanderer, the Duke of Bedford. /RENEW
This morning, the UPP led by Chairman Gobblin also returned to the political scene. After there had been no official statement on the reforms at the beginning of the week, Gobblin now sharply criticised and attacked PM Cissonius. After launching personal sideswipes at the Prime Minister and his extravagant lifestyle, Gobblin promised to increase the dual citizenship fee to 100 diamonds and decisively rejected the MG tax. UPP would be committed to sustaining ‘our major businesses that have contributed so much to the Pavian economy’. His party would trust in Pavia and the Pavian patriots, and would ‘Make Pavia Great Again’.
In the face of this political turmoil and the unrest on the streets of the capital, the citizens of Pavia expressed concern about the stability of the country and the future of Pavia. Experts see the rut of the Pavia First electorate in the estates and duchies far from the capital in the east of the country, in Griffin, Vetranio, Church of t as well as on the islands of Braemar. The political unrest there would have little impact on people’s lives, those without access to national news would get little to no news from Pavia City.
In the next election, strong voter migration is expected from Pavia First to Renew and UPP in the city and Windermere, and votes outside the city could be the deciding factor.